Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to

Вопрос посетителя

Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
 (*ответ*) a person who is held out as a partner.
 a partner who takes no active part in the management of the business.
 an equity partner.
 a salaried partner.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
 (*ответ*) a partner can be left out of the future business for not complying with the partnership agreement.
 A partner can be excluded from business operations because his contract has expired.
 A partner can be made liable as a partner of unlimited liability.
 A partner can be held responsible for mistakes in business operations.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
 (*ответ*) a general partner.
 a salaried partner.
 a dormant partner.
 an unauthorized partner.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which…
 (*ответ*) does not satisfy the public limited company definition.
 is wound up
 is limited by guarantee.
 is limited by shares.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called…
 (*ответ*) hire purchase.
 barter exchange.
 conditional sale.
 «interest free» credit.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
 (*ответ*) The relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit.
 A contract based on being in a business which has not yet started.
 The relation which subsists between a company, being a legal person, and a human person.
 A contract made only by the person who actually enters into it.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
 (*ответ*) There need not be many prohibitions.
 Prohibitions encourage the activities of the firm and its individual members.
 To have a large number of prohibitions is generally wise.
 Prohibitions are helpful because they restrict the activities of the partners.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
 (*ответ*) Are not necessarily partners.
 Can be made liable as partners as the need arises.
 Are those who establish a partnership.
 Are partners.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
 (*ответ*) a way of borrowing from a bank.
 budget account.
 «interest free» credit.
 credit sale.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
 (*ответ*) Every partner should have equal rights to manage.
 Every general partner must have a ground to dissolve the firm unless the agreement says otherwise.
 Every partner should have a right to dissolve the firm.
 One of the partners should be kept out of management.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
 (*ответ*) Nowadays conditional sale and hire purchase are nearly the same.
 The Hire Purchase Act terminated conditional sale as such.
 The Hire Purchase Act terminated conditional sale and introduced hire purchase instead.
 There is a marked difference between conditional sale and hire purchase.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
 (*ответ*) The bailee.
 The bailiff.
 The bailment.
 The bailor.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in «The London Gazette» if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
 (*ответ*) A general partner cannot become a limited partner unless the fact is advertised in «The London Gazette».
 When a general partner becomes a limited one, the fact must be advertised in «The London Gazette» to speed up the transaction.
 A general partner cannot become a limited one in case the fact is advertised in «The London Gazette».
 When a general partner becomes a limited one the transaction is not made lawful by advertising in «The London Gazette».
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the… (трассант)
 (*ответ*) drawer.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called… (продажа в кредит).
 (*ответ*) credit sale.
 conditional sale.
 personal loan.
 credit purchase.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the… to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
 (*ответ*) holder.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called… (бартерный обмен).
 (*ответ*) exchange of barter.
 part — exchange.
 swap of barter.
 change of barter.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the… (плательщика).
 (*ответ*) payer.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called… (пожизненная рента).
 (*ответ*) annuity.
 life rent.

Ответ эксперта

Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner by estoppel is:
 (*ответ*) a person who is held out as a partner.
 a partner who takes no active part in the management of the business.
 an equity partner.
 a salaried partner.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner can be excluded from future business operations for breach of the partnership agreement. In other words:
 (*ответ*) a partner can be left out of the future business for not complying with the partnership agreement.
 A partner can be excluded from business operations because his contract has expired.
 A partner can be made liable as a partner of unlimited liability.
 A partner can be held responsible for mistakes in business operations.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A partner who has the right to take part in the management unless mere is an agreement between himself and the other partner(s) that he should not, is called:
 (*ответ*) a general partner.
 a salaried partner.
 a dormant partner.
 an unauthorized partner.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. A private company is a company which…
 (*ответ*) does not satisfy the public limited company definition.
 is wound up
 is limited by guarantee.
 is limited by shares.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An agreement for the hire of goods at the end of which the hirer may exercise an option to purchase them from the owner is called…
 (*ответ*) hire purchase.
 barter exchange.
 conditional sale.
 «interest free» credit.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. An informal partnership is defined as:
 (*ответ*) The relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit.
 A contract based on being in a business which has not yet started.
 The relation which subsists between a company, being a legal person, and a human person.
 A contract made only by the person who actually enters into it.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. It is generally unwise to have a very large number of prohibitions because this is likely to restrict the activities of the firm and its individual partners. In other words:
 (*ответ*) There need not be many prohibitions.
 Prohibitions encourage the activities of the firm and its individual members.
 To have a large number of prohibitions is generally wise.
 Prohibitions are helpful because they restrict the activities of the partners.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Joint owners of property:
 (*ответ*) Are not necessarily partners.
 Can be made liable as partners as the need arises.
 Are those who establish a partnership.
 Are partners.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Overdraft is:
 (*ответ*) a way of borrowing from a bank.
 budget account.
 «interest free» credit.
 credit sale.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. Partners must act in common, and the most important result of this is that unless the agreement says something different, every general partner must be allowed to have a say in the management. In other words:
 (*ответ*) Every partner should have equal rights to manage.
 Every general partner must have a ground to dissolve the firm unless the agreement says otherwise.
 Every partner should have a right to dissolve the firm.
 One of the partners should be kept out of management.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The Hire Purchase Act 1964 equated conditional sale with Hire Purchase for most purposes. In other words:
 (*ответ*) Nowadays conditional sale and hire purchase are nearly the same.
 The Hire Purchase Act terminated conditional sale as such.
 The Hire Purchase Act terminated conditional sale and introduced hire purchase instead.
 There is a marked difference between conditional sale and hire purchase.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. The person who is entrusted with the possession of some goods by the owner of the goods is called:
 (*ответ*) The bailee.
 The bailiff.
 The bailment.
 The bailor.
Choose the correct variant from the 4 given. When a general partner becomes a limited partner, the fact must be advertised in «The London Gazette» if the transaction is to be effective in law. On other words:
 (*ответ*) A general partner cannot become a limited partner unless the fact is advertised in «The London Gazette».
 When a general partner becomes a limited one, the fact must be advertised in «The London Gazette» to speed up the transaction.
 A general partner cannot become a limited one in case the fact is advertised in «The London Gazette».
 When a general partner becomes a limited one the transaction is not made lawful by advertising in «The London Gazette».
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A cheque should bear the signature of the… (трассант)
 (*ответ*) drawer.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A contract for the sale of goods whereby ownership and possession of the goods passes immediately to the buyer, but he is given time to pay is called… (продажа в кредит).
 (*ответ*) credit sale.
 conditional sale.
 personal loan.
 credit purchase.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A credit card allows the… to pay for goods by producing a plastic personalized card. (держателю)
 (*ответ*) holder.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A deal in which no money changes hands is called… (бартерный обмен).
 (*ответ*) exchange of barter.
 part — exchange.
 swap of barter.
 change of barter.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A standing order to a bank should bear the signature of the… (плательщика).
 (*ответ*) payer.
Choose the English equivalent for the word(s) in brackets. A sum of money paid at intervals during the lifetime of the person who is due to receive it by a share of profit to the widow or child of a deceased partner is called… (пожизненная рента).
 (*ответ*) annuity.
 life rent.

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