Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up? A) Chaucer combines them in such a way that the climax of both occurs at once – with the cry of “Water!”

Вопрос посетителя

Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That ever in one was (to draw) to that place.
This yonge monk, that was so fair of face
 (*ответ*) drawing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That he (to have) yive it me because of you
To doon therewith mine honour and my prow
 (*ответ*) had
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That in his house as familier (to be) he
As it is possible any freend to be
 (*ответ*) was
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That wonder (to be). But herkneth to my tale:
Amonges all his guests greet and smalle
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There was a monk, a fair man and a bold–
I trowe a thirty winter he (to be) old
 (*ответ*) was
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ye han mo slacker dettours than am I
For I wol (to pay) you well and redily
 (*ответ*) pay
Choose the right preposition: That … thise hundred franks he (shold) all night
Have hire in his armes bolt upright
 (*ответ*) for
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And home he goth, murry as a papinjay.
For well he knew he (to stand) in swich array
 (*ответ*) stood
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And this accord parfourned was in deede:
In mirth all night a bisy life they (to lede)
 (*ответ*) lede
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: By certain tokens that I can you telle
Now by your leve, I may no lenger (to dwelle)
 (*ответ*) dwelle
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That for thise hundred franks he (shold) all night
Have hire in his armes bolt upright
 (*ответ*) shold
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That needes most he (to win) in that viage
A thousand franks aboven his costage
 (*ответ*) win
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till he (come) into Bruges murrily.
Now goth this marchant fast and bisily
 (*ответ*) came
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till it was day, that Daun John (to go) his way,
And bade the meinee “Farewell, have good day”
 (*ответ*) went
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Gey of Warwick
 (*ответ*) А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) By the sixteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick
 (*ответ*) А- false, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human organism
B) In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary status
 (*ответ*) А- false, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386
B) ) In 1357 Geoffrey Chaucer served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III
 (*ответ*) А- true, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Chaucer combines them in such a way that the climax of both occurs at once – with the cry of “Water!”
B) Chaucer is best remembered for his comic shows The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde
 (*ответ*) А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
 А- true, В- true

Ответ эксперта

Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That ever in one was (to draw) to that place.
This yonge monk, that was so fair of face
 (*ответ*) drawing
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That he (to have) yive it me because of you
To doon therewith mine honour and my prow
 (*ответ*) had
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That in his house as familier (to be) he
As it is possible any freend to be
 (*ответ*) was
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That wonder (to be). But herkneth to my tale:
Amonges all his guests greet and smalle
 (*ответ*) is
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There was a monk, a fair man and a bold–
I trowe a thirty winter he (to be) old
 (*ответ*) was
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Ye han mo slacker dettours than am I
For I wol (to pay) you well and redily
 (*ответ*) pay
Choose the right preposition: That … thise hundred franks he (shold) all night
Have hire in his armes bolt upright
 (*ответ*) for
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And home he goth, murry as a papinjay.
For well he knew he (to stand) in swich array
 (*ответ*) stood
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And this accord parfourned was in deede:
In mirth all night a bisy life they (to lede)
 (*ответ*) lede
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: By certain tokens that I can you telle
Now by your leve, I may no lenger (to dwelle)
 (*ответ*) dwelle
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That for thise hundred franks he (shold) all night
Have hire in his armes bolt upright
 (*ответ*) shold
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: That needes most he (to win) in that viage
A thousand franks aboven his costage
 (*ответ*) win
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till he (come) into Bruges murrily.
Now goth this marchant fast and bisily
 (*ответ*) came
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Till it was day, that Daun John (to go) his way,
And bade the meinee “Farewell, have good day”
 (*ответ*) went
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) By the fourteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Gey of Warwick
 (*ответ*) А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) By the sixteen century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
B) The best way to see the humour of Sir Thopas is to read one of its prototypes – Guy of Warwick
 (*ответ*) А- false, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human organism
B) In writers like Sercamby, Boccaccio, and Chaucer they gain literary status
 (*ответ*) А- false, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- true, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386
B) ) In 1357 Geoffrey Chaucer served with Lionel, son of the reigning king, Edward III
 (*ответ*) А- true, В- true
 А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
Which of the two assertions were truly made by the author and which are made up?
A) Chaucer combines them in such a way that the climax of both occurs at once – with the cry of “Water!”
B) Chaucer is best remembered for his comic shows The Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde
 (*ответ*) А-true, В-false
 А- false, В- false
 А- false, В- true
 А- true, В- true

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