Here is some information about a young sportsman. Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct form of the word. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

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Here is some information about a young sportsman.
Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct form of the word. There is an example (0) at the
Sam plays cricket. He (0) is (to be) one of the players on the National Skill Sets programme.
My   greatest   achievement   is   that   I   (1)   ___________   (to  play)   for   Kent.
I (2) __________ (to start) playing when I was seven. I (3) ___________ (to join)
the Kent team when I was nine and (4)___________________(never/to look back)
since then because I love it.
I (5)______ (to train) twice a week in the winter and every day of the week
in the summer.
I advise young cricketers to enjoy (6)______(to play) the sport. If you (7)______
(to play) more, you’ll play (8)________(well). To get good results you should have
(9)_____(good) skills than everyone else, and train (10)_____(hard) than everyone
else, and think (11)______________(carefully) of all.
My ambition is to get in the Kent (12)__________(one) team and progress from

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