Mike and Steve are at the sports centre. Who are they talking about? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form. M: (0) Do you know (know) Ken? S: Ken?

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Mike and Steve are at the sports centre.
Who are they talking about? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form.
M: (0)   Do   you   know   (know) Ken? S: Ken?
M: (1) __________ you ________________ (see) that boy over there?
S: Which boy?
M: He (2)__________________(play) tennis with Helen.
S: Oh, I (3) ________________(not know) him.
M: His name’s Ken. He (4) _________________ (play) tennis here
every Friday, He (5) _____________________ (be) very good at it.
I (6)________________ (want) to play a game with him.

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