How would you characterize the following items? Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the correct positions and in the correct order. 0) Foreign tourists often buy beautiful brightly-coloured

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How would you characterize the following items? Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the correct positions and in the correct order.
0) Foreign tourists often buy beautiful brightly-coloured matryoshka dolls, (beautiful/
brightly-coloured) 1)1 live in a_____village on the river Volga, (quiet/
2)  The Kremlin Cup is a________tournament, (popular/
3)  Ice hockey is a_________game that has a lot of true fans, (popular/
4)  In the Hermitage there is an_____________figure of Peter the Great, (impressive/
5)  As a souvenir from Russia, I advise you to buy a__________________Pavlovsky
platok. (beautiful/woolen)
6)  Come to Russia on Shrovetide (Maslennitsa). It is a _______________ holiday
in Russia, (merry/traditional)
7)  It is interesting to collect _________ dolls in ____________ costumes, (small/
soft) (different/national)

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