Read the information about Clarence House. According to the text mark the statements 1—10 true (T) or false (F). Clarence House sits behind the garden wall of

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Read the  information  about Clarence  House.  According to the text mark the statements 1—10 true (T) or false (F).
Clarence House sits behind the garden wall of St James’s Park, It was the London home of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, and on fine summer days Queen Elizabeth entertained her guests,1 who came to Clarence House, in the open air in the park. The Queen and her guests talked and had tea. They sat at the table that was decorated with beautiful flowers.
Clarence House had been the Queen Mother’s town house since 1953 when she and her daughter Princess Margaret moved from Buckingham Palace after her husband King George VI died. Queen Elizabeth became Queen Mother. And since that time Buckingham Palace has been the home of Queen Elizabeth II, her elder daughter. Buckingham Palace is a royal symbol and the queen lives there.
The Queen Mother made Clarence House a wonderful place for living; she decorated it with real masterpieces: unique paintings, rare sculptures and beautiful furniture. Family portraits and photographs are everywhere. All the Queen’s clothes she had ever worn could be found in the wardrobes. All the things around the Queen reflected the story of her life.
The Queen’s guests liked her home, most of all they liked it on 4 August when the Queen Mother celebrated her birthday. For Clarence House’s guests and for the Queen Mother it was the day of a carnival, a street party and a royal theatre. The Queen Mother’s birthday parade on the day was wonderful. When the Queen Mother celebrated her one hundredth birthday thousands of people came to Clarence House to say, «Happy birthday to you!» The Queen Mother looked so wonderful on that day that someone shouted: «Same time next year Ma’am,» (Ma’am is short for Madam.)
1) _____The Queen Mother moved to Clarence House after her husband died.
2) _____The Queen Mother left Buckingham Palace after it became the home of
her daughter Queen Elizabeth II.
3) _____   The   Queen   Mother   made   Clarence   House   a   wonderful   place   for
4) _____Clarence House was beautifully decorated by the Queen Mother.
5) _____The Queen Mother celebrated her birthday in Buckingham Palace every
6) _____ Many things from Clarence House can tell you a lot about the life of
the Queen Mother.
7) _____The Queen Mother lived more than 100 years.
8) _____ Clarence House was built in the nineteenth century.
9) _____ Clarence House was built for the Queen Mother.
10) _____People can’t come to Clarence House for excursions.

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