What does Mike say about his school life and favourite subject? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

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What does Mike say about his school life and favourite subject? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Some   children    say   that   school    is   (0)    boring     and
(1)_________________. But I don’t agree with them. I like
school   and   on   holiday  I   (2)      ________  my  friends   and
teachers and I always (3) __________________________ to
school.   Our school  life  is interesting.  We  have a lot of
interesting after-school (4)_____________ during the year.
We (5) _____________sports competitions. We often go on
(6) _____________ to do tasks for History and Geography.
Each term we go on (7) _             __ to interesting historical
places and museums.  I do well in many subjects but my
favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot
(8) ______________. I think I can (9) _     _____________ French. I like going to
school because I (10)_______________with my friends there and (11)___________
new things in the lessons.

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