A lot of people have answering machines for their phones. Here are some messages. Report these messages according to the example (0). 0) To: Clarence From: Megan

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A lot of people have answering machines for their phones. Here are some messages. Report these messages according to the example (0).
0)  To: Clarence From: Megan
Hi, Clarence, this is Megan. I’m busy today. I’ll come to you tomorrow. Bye.
Megan told Clarence that she was busy that day.
She also said that she would come the next day
1)  To: Clarence From: Jennifer
Hi, Clarence, this is Jennifer. I’m going awav for some davs. I’ll call you next week.
2) To: Mrs Davidson From: Clarence’s form teacher
Good afternoon, Mrs Davidson.
Clarence was absent from the Science lesson yesterday.
I’m sure she was missing the lesson for good reasons.
3) To: Clarence From: Alex and Jane
Hi, Clare, we are going to watch Star Academy at Phil’s place today. We’ll be happy if you join us.
4) To: Clarence From: Helen
Hi, Clarence, this is Helen. I have two tickets for our school band concert. I’ll be waiting for you near the hall at 5:30. Bye.
5) To: Clarence From: Grandma
Hi, Clarence, this is your Grandma. I’ll be in London next week.
I hope you’ll meet me at the station on Saturday at 5:30 om. Love and kisses.
6) To: Clarence From: David
It’s a pity you are out again. I’ve tried to talk to you many times.
Yesterday I was waiting for you in the Internet cafe from 5 to 6 pm. Please call me.
7) To: David From: Clarence
Hi, David, this is Clarence. Yesterday I was waiting for you for half an hour in the school band room!
8) To: Helen From: Clarence
Hi, Helen, this is Clarence.
I have got your message. I’m sorry but I won’t go with you to the concert.
Mv Granny is coming and I’m going to meet her at the station. See you!

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