What were the children doing when something happened? 0. I (have breakfast) when my friend (come) to my house. I was having breakfast when my friend came to my house.

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What were the children doing when something happened?
0.  I (have breakfast) when my friend (come) to my house.
I was having breakfast when my friend came to my house.
1.  Janet (make) an omelette for breakfast when her grandparents (arrive).
2.  My friends and I (play) outside when the rain (start).
3.  I (sleep) when Dad (call).
4.  I (have a dream) when suddenly the teacher (ask) me a question.
5.  We (dance) when the music (stop).
6.  I (go) to the supermarket when I (meet) my friend.
7.  I (try on) a sweater when a salesperson (come) up to me.
8.  I (look for) a present for Jack when I (see) him in the shop.

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