Here is what the children wanted to know about school life in Britain. Make the sentences. 0) A lot of children asked / took / British children / what exams / every year

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Here is what the children wanted to know about school life in Britain. Make the sentences.
0)  A lot of children asked / took / British children / what exams / every year
A lot of children asked what exams British children took every year._
1)  The children wanted to know / at secondary school / if / more homework / there would be
2) Rick asked / children / what marks / at British schools / got
3) Liz wanted to know / all her friends / what to do after school / had already decided / if
4) Steven was interested / at elementary school / all the children / if / had had good marks
5) A boy asked / what school / had been to / Prince William*
6) Some children wanted to know / could work / teens / where
7) Joan was interested / what / not to fail the exam / should do / you

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