Some British young people were asked about the most important issues that influence their lives. 1) Find their answers in the Word Square, (30 words survey

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Some British young people were asked about the most important issues that influence their lives.
1) Find their answers in the Word Square, (30 words survey will help you. Have you found all the answers?
•  About three quarters of 14—19-year-olds admit that they are not interested in politics.
•  Most teenagers get along with their parents quite well.
•  Money is seen as a problem by most teenagers,
• The majority of teenagers spend their pocket money on entertainments.
•  Almost 50 per cent of British teenagers have a part-time job.
•  About half want to do something about poveity and discrimination.
•  Over half of all teenagers are concerned about their appearance and fashion.
•  Independence was a major worry for nearly two thirds of those still at school.

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