London is sometimes called the shop window of the western world. Listen to the speakers talking about their favourite shops and write down the letters

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London is sometimes called the shop window of the western world.
Listen to the speakers talking about their favourite shops and write down the letters of the reasons each of them gives in favour of the shop(s) she/he likes best, (listening for detail)
Speaker 1 likes shopping in the Pop Boutique because Speaker 2 likes shopping in Traid and Shaft because t Speaker 3 likes shopping in the Dr Martens Dep Store because Speaker 4 likes shopping in the Top Shop because
1   along with famous boots one can buy fashionable clothes there
2   you can find a lot of various accessories there
3   there is a wide choice of clothes by all the top designers
4   London students like buying clothes at low prices there
5   there is a section where everything costs £ 2
6   they sell comfortable footwear for young and old customers
7   you can buy recycled designers’ clothes
8   they sell retro stuff

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