Какие вопросы Хью задал своему однокласснику о его дне рождения? Составьте вопросы. (0) your friends/Did/gifts/give/to you? Did your friends give gifts to you? (1) your parents/buy?/What gifts/did

Вопрос от пользователя

Какие вопросы Хью задал своему однокласснику о его дне рождения? Составьте вопросы.
(0)  your friends/Did/gifts/give/to you?
Did your friends give gifts to you?
(1)  your parents/buy?/What gifts/did
(2)  fancy costumes?/Did/wear/you
(3)  sing?/did/What songs/you
(4) to music?/you/Did/dance
(5) cook?/your mother/What/did
(6) your friends/greetings cards/send/Did/to you?

Ответ от эксперта

(1) What gifts did your parents buy?
(2)    Did you wear fancy costumes?
(3)    What songs did you sing?
(4)    Did you dance to music?
(5)    What did your mother cook?
(6)    Did your friends send greetings cards to you?

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