How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick (^ ) the correct question or answer. 1 Where do you live? a I live there. b In Moskovskaya Street, с I live with my parents.

Вопрос пользователя

How did the children ask and answer the questions? Tick (^ ) the correct question or answer.
1  Where do you live?
a I live there. b In Moskovskaya Street, с I live with my parents.
2  Where are you from?
a From America. b I’m in the 2nd form. с I don’t know.
3  What’s your father’s job?
a She is a teacher. b He watches TV. с He’s a doctor.
4  Have you got any sisters?
a Yes, I have two brothers. b Yes, I have. She is 7. с No, but I have two sisters.
5  What form are you in?
a I’m 11. b I’m from England. с I’m in the 5th form.
6  What do you do in your spare time?
a I go to school. b I play tennis. с I’m a pupil.

Ответ эксперта

Когда Пол и Клэр впервые встретились со своими иностранными друзьями, они задали им  много  вопросов.   Как  они  ответили  на вопросы? Отметьте правильный ответ.
1)  Ь;                               4) Ь;
2)  а;                                 5) с;
3)  с;                               6) Ь.

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