The children and adults in the Weller family like doing different things when they celebrate holidays. 1) What do they do during each celebration?

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The children and adults in the Weller family like doing different things when they celebrate holidays.
1) What do they do during each celebration?
 2) What holiday is the first choice for Americans? (listening for specific information)
3) Why do Americans choose these celebrations? Before doing the exercise read the Learning to Learn note on p. 27.

Ответ эксперта

Дети и подростки в семье Веллеров любят делать разные вещи,  когда они празднуют различные торжества. 1) Что это за вещи? Когда они их делают?
Варианты ответов:
The father decorates garden trees with electric lights at Christmas.
The father decorates the house at Christmas. The mother colours eggs at Easter. The mother cooks traditional foods at Easter. The mother makes pudding at Christmas. Stuart lights fireworks on the 4th of July. Stuart raises a flag on the 4th of July. Daniel lights fireworks on the 4th of July.
Melanie eats cakes and sweets at Thanksgiving.
Melanie sings songs on New Year’s Eve.
The children eat cakes and sweets on New Year’s Day.
The children choose and buy presents at Christmas.
The children go from house to house on Halloween night.
The children hang greetings cards on the walls on Christmas Eve.
The children hang stockings on the beds on Christmas Eve.
The children send greetings cards at Christmas.
The children wear costumes on Halloween night.
The children watch parades on Thanksgiving Day.
The children exchange presents on Easter morning.
The parents choose and buy presents at Christmas.
The parents wrap presents on New Year’s Eve.
The family gathers together on Easter morning.
The family has parties on the 4th of July.
3) Какой праздник, по вашему мнению, самый любимый в Америке?
I think it’s Christmas.

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