Use the verbs in the appropriate forms, active or passive. 1 — What gate number do we need? — I don’t know. Our flight (25) … yet.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the verbs in the appropriate forms, active or passive.
1 — What gate number do we need?
— I don’t know. Our flight (25)    … yet.    NOTANNOUNCE
2 — Has he collected his luggage yet?
— No, because he hasn’t got any. He never (26) … with huge    TRAVEL
suitcases. Usually all the things he needs (27) … in his PACK
rucksack. Very smart, isn’t it?
3 OK, we’ll arrange your visa, reserve the hotel, and buy the plane tickets.
After that all the documents (28) … to you by our DELIVER
4 I didn’t know what to do. My luggage (29) … and LOSE
I didn’t know anybody in the city. I headed to the nearby hotel to find out
whether they (30) … a vacant room. HAVE

Ответ от эксперта

25 — has not been announced (Present Perfect, пассивная форма)
26 – travels (Present Simple, активная форма)
27 — are packed (Present Simple, пассивная форма)
28 — will be delivered (Future Simple, пассивная форма)
29 — was lost (Past Simple, пассивная форма)
30 — have (Present Simple, активная форма)

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