Are Andy and Liza having a good time at the camps? 3) What do they do there? 4) What have they done and learnt at the camps? 5) What did Liza do one day?

Вопрос от пользователя

2)  Are Andy and Liza having a good time at the camps?
3) What do they do there?
4)  What have they done and learnt at the camps?
5) What did  Liza do one day?
6)  What are they going to do next summer?
7)  What does Liza ask mum  not to do? Why?

Ответ от эксперта

2)  Энди и Лайза хорошо проводят время в своих лагерях?
Yes, they are. Andy and Liza are having a good time at the camps.
3)  Что они там делают?
Andy is having a great time in his camp. He plays football day and night. He takes part in different sports competitions.
Liza is having a wonderful holiday in her camp. She looks for rabbits and hamsters. She has learnt a lot of new things about them. She has got a lot of prizes in different competitions.
4)  Что они сделали и узнали в лагерях?
Andy has learnt to play a lot of new games. He has done a lot of interesting things in the camp.
Liza has learnt a lot of new things about rabbits and hamsters. She has got a lot of prizes in different competitions.
5)  Что Лайза сделала однажды? One day Liza rode a horse!
6)   Что они собираются делать следующим летом?
They are going to come to their camps next summer.
7)  Что Лайза попросила маму не делать? Почему?
Liza asks mum not to worry. Snake may be dangerous.

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