Use an appropriate tense or form to express a future meaning and the phrases in brackets to complete the sentences that each person might actually say, as in the example.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use an appropriate tense or form to express a future meaning and the phrases in brackets to complete the sentences that each person might actually say, as in the example.
1 He hears on the news that there will be snow tomorrow.
— «Tomorrow is going to be a cold day.»
2 Her friend says he is cold.
“I will close the window”
3 Tom is catching the plane to Madrid tonight.
“My plane leaves at 8:00 pm”
4 George has made plans to go to the theatre with Jenny tonight.
“Jenny and I are meeting/are going to meet outside the theatre”
5 Someone asks Mary about her plans for tomorrow evening.
“At this time tomorrow evening I will be watching my favourite TV show »
6 They are going to the theatre but they’re worried about missing the start of the show.
«By the time we get there the show will have started»
7 Someone’s asked me how long I have been working in this company.
“By next September, I will have been working here for two years.

Ответ от эксперта

2 will close the window
3 leaves at 8:00 pm
4 are meeting/are going to meet outside the theatre
5 I will be watching my favourite TV show
6 the show will have started
7 will have been working here for two years

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