Write sentences using the causative, as in the example. 1 Someone is going to mow Tom’s lawn tomorrow. What is he going to do? > He is going to have his lawn mowed.

Вопрос от пользователя

Write sentences using the causative, as in the example.
1 Someone is going to mow Tom’s lawn tomorrow. What is he going to do?
> He is going to have his lawn mowed.
2 The Millers’ roof was leaking, so a workman repaired it. What did the Millers do?
3 Tommy walks Mrs Pearson’s dog twice a day. What does Mrs Pearson do?
4 A technician is checking Stephen’s computer to see what’s wrong with it. What is Stephen doing?
5 A professional has decorated Gary’s new home. What has Gary done?

Ответ от эксперта

2 They had their roof repaired.
3 She has her dog walked twice a day.
4 He is having his computer checked.
5 He has had his new home decorated.

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