Look at some predictions people have made about the future. Then write sentences stating if you agree or disagree with them. Use the phrases in the box.

Вопрос от пользователя

Look at some predictions people have made about the future. Then write sentences stating if you agree or disagree with them. Use the phrases in the box.
• I think • I don’t think • The way I see it
• In my opinion
1 People will fight over drinking water.
— The way I see it, people won’t fight over drinking water.
2 People will have holidays on other planets.
3 There won’t be any teachers.
4 People will eat food pills.
5 There will be fewer wars.
6 People will live in underwater cities.

Ответ от эксперта

2 I think people will have holidays on other planets.
Я думаю, люди будут проводить каникулы на других планетах
3 I don’t think there will be any teachers.
Я не думаю, что будут какие — либо учителя
4 The way I see it people will eat food pills.
Мне кажется, люди будут питаться пищевыми таблетками
5 I don’t think there will be fewer wars.
Я не думаю, что будет меньше войн.
6 I don’t think people will live in underwater cities.
Я не думаю, что люди будут жить в подводных городах.

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