Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What is the best film you have ever seen? The best film I have ever seen is Star Wars. 2 Who is the funniest actor you have ever seen?

Вопрос от пользователя

Answer the questions about yourself.
1    What is the best film you have ever seen?   The best film I have ever seen is Star Wars.
2    Who is the funniest actor you have ever seen?
3    Which is the scariest thriller you have ever seen?
4    Who  is  the  most  popular  singer  in  your country?
5    Which  film  do  you   think  has  the   most exciting action scenes?
6    What is the worst film you have ever seen?

Ответ от эксперта

2 — Кто самый забавный актер, которого вы когда-либо видели?
The funniest actor I have ever is Nikulin.

3 — Какой ужасный триллер вы когда-либо видели?
The scariest thriller I have ever seen is Mask.

4 — Кто самый популярный певец в вашей стране?
The most popular singer in my country is Timati.

5 — У какого фильма, по-вашему, самые интересные боевые сцены?
«Avengers» has the most exciting action scenes.

6 — Какой худший фильм вы когда-либо видели?
The worst film I have ever seen is «The best movie 3».

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