Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form. My school (0) IS (be) near Nairobi National Park. Every day

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Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form.
My school (0) IS (be) near Nairobi National Park. Every day   I   (1)   ________   (go)   to   school   by   bus,   and   very
often  I  (2)           (see)  giraffes,   zebras  and  diffe-
rent birds.   Sometimes we  (3)            (see)  monkeys.
Last Saturday when we (4)  (go) to the game park with my dad, I (5) ________/(watch) a lot of different animals there. It (6) ____ (be) very interesting.
I like living in Kenya because Africa (7)  ________  (be)
very beautiful.
I   (8)   ________   (be)   from   America,   I   think   in   the
future  I  (9)   ________  (go)  to  the  USA but  I  want  to
come back to Africa

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1) went 2) saw 3) saw  4) went  5) saw  6) was  7) was  8) was 9) went

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