Here is the floor guide of Hamleys. 1) Look at the floor guide and match the questions and the answers. (One answer is extra.) Was Jay choosing a toy at 10.45 am?

Вопрос от пользователя

Here is the floor guide of Hamleys.
1)  Look at the floor guide and match the questions and the answers.  (One answer is extra.)
Was Jay choosing a toy at 10.45 am? What was Jay buying at 1.35 pm? Was Jay shopping in Hamleys at 3 pm?
2) What questions can you ask about Jay’s shopping in Hamleys?

Ответ от эксперта

1) Посмотрите на план и прочтите диалог снова. Соедините вопросы и ответы. (Один лишний.)
What was Jay buying at 1.35? — A computer game.
Was Jay shopping in Hamley’s at 3 pm? — No, he wasn’t.
Where was Jay eating at 11.30? — On the 5th floor.
Was Jay paying for a toy or a book at 11 o’clock? — For a toy.
Which floor was Jay visiting at 11 o’clock? — Ground floor.
Лишний ответ: In Hamley’s.
2)   Какие   вопросы   вы   можете   задать   о покупках Джея в Хемлис?
Варианты вопросов:
Where was Jay eating at 11.30 am? What was his friend buying from 12 to 1 pm? Which floor was Jay visiting at 1.20 pm? What toy was Jay buying at 10.40 am? What game was Jay choosing from 1.30 to 2 pm?
Where were they shopping at 12.30 pm?

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