Transform the following sentences using / wish. More than one answer is possible. 0) If I were a famous footballer’s girlfriend, all the top fashion designers would be dying to dress

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Transform the following sentences using / wish. More than one answer is possible.
0)   If I were a famous footballer’s girlfriend, all the top fashion designers would be dying to dress me in their cool catwalk (подиум) clothes!
a)  I wish I were a famous footballer’s girlfriend!
b)  I wish all the top fashion designers were dying to dress me in their cool catwalk clothes!______
1)   If I were invisible (невидимый) for one whole day, I would not need to have a VIP pass for any of the biggest glamorous parties!
2)  If I could choose I would only buy the top fashion designers’ clothes!
3)  If I only could swap (меняться) clothes with my elder brother. His wardrobe is sooo cool!
4)  If I were more creative I would give my wardrobe a makeover.
5)  If no one could see us we would go to the biggest clothes store and try on all the coolest clothes there!
6)  People are too materialistic! I would never do any of the things above people were talking about!

Ответ от эксперта

1)    a) I wish I were invisible for one whole day.
b) I wish I did not need to have a VIP pass for any of the biggest glamorous parties!
2)    a) I wish I eould only buy the top fashion designers’ clothes!
3)    a) I wish I could swap clothes with my elder brother. His wardrobe is sooo cool!
b) I wish I swapped clothes with my elder brother.
4)    a) I wish I were more creative.
b) I wish I gave my wardrobe a makeover,
5)    a) I wish no one would/could see us in the biggest clothes store!
b) I wish we went to the biggest clothes store and tried on all the coolest clothes there right now!
6)    a) I wish people were not too materialistic!
b) I wish they would not do any of the things they were talking about!

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