Rephrase the sentences using the infinitive. Example: I don’t even have a dress that I can wear.— I don’t even have a dress to wear. 1 I have something that I want to tell you.

Вопрос от пользователя

Rephrase the sentences using the infinitive.
Example: I don’t even have a dress that I can wear.— I don’t even have a dress to wear.
1 I have something that I want to tell you.
2 I have nobody whom 1 can talk to.
3 I have a very difficult text that I must translate.
4 You’d better find another place where you can walk your dog.

Ответ от эксперта

1. I have something to tell you. (У меня есть кое-что, что я хочу вам сказать)
2. I have nobody to talk to. (У меня нет никого, с кем я могу поговорить)
3. I have a very difficult text to translate. (У меня есть очень трудный текст, который я должен перевести)
4. You’d better find another place to walk your dog. (Лучше найти другое место, где вы можете выгуливать вашу собаку)

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