Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 1 Anti-globalist leaders say that they want to raise people’s concern for the environment and their national economies.

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Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
1    Anti-globalist leaders say that they want to raise people’s concern for the environment and their national economies.
2    According to the opponents of globalization global companies crush national companies and make the country’s economy dependent on the world big businesses.
3    Supporters of globalization insist that global companies help fight inflation and create new jobs, which lessens the unemployment rate.
4    Global companies’ managers say that they observe the human rights of their employees and offer them good compensation for their work.
5    Anti-globalists insist that when big money is involved, corporations become non- accountable and it’s very difficult to find them for the exploitation of immigrants or for child labor.
6    Supporters of globalization explain that nowadays, due to modern technologies and communications, no country can escape the influence of other countries’ economies.
7    Consumers are usually quite happy with the effect of globalization as global trade creates diverse local markets.

Ответ от эксперта

1. concern;
2. crush/dependent;
3. inflation/lessens;
4. observe;
5. non-accountable/exploitation;
6. influence;
7. diverse.

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