Match the suggestions to the results. Then, expand the ideas into full sentences linking them with appropriate phrases, as in the example.

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the suggestions to the results. Then, expand the ideas into full sentences linking them with appropriate phrases, as in the example.
1c One way to improve air quality is to ban cars from city centres. The result would be fewer cars on the roads and consequently fewer harmful gases would be released into the air.
2a Another solution would be to move factories away from cities. In this way, there would be less smog over cities, and therefore cleaner air to breathe.
3b Finally, it would be a good idea to deal with the problem of litter by putting more rubbish

Ответ от эксперта

1-с) Один из способов улучшить качество воздуха это запретить машины из центров городов. Результатом было бы меньшее количество машин на дорогах и, следовательно, меньше вредных газов выпускалось бы в воздух.
2 a) Another solution would be to move factories away from cities. In this way, there would be less smog over cities, and therefore cleaner air to breathe (Другим решением было бы перенести фабрики за пределы городов. Таким образом, было бы меньше смога в городах, и поэтому воздух был бы чище).
3 b) Finally, it would be a good idea to deal with the problem of litter by putting more rubbish bins in public places. The result would be litter disposed of in a proper manner, and consequently cleaner streets (Наконец, было бы хорошей идеей решить проблему мусора, установив больше мусорных баков в общественных местах).

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