Doug Murray, a rescue worker, was interviewed yesterday by Jill Smith, a local journalist. He was asked the following questions. Turn them into reported questions.

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Doug Murray, a rescue worker, was interviewed yesterday by Jill Smith, a local journalist. He was asked the following questions. Turn them into reported questions.
1 “Why did you decide to become a rescue worker?” She asked him …
2 “Where did you get your training?”
3 “How many hours a week do you work?”
4 “Do you use hi-tech medical equipment?”
5 “Have you ever been in serious danger?”
6 “What is the worst thing about your job?”

Ответ от эксперта

1 why he had decided to become a rescue worker.
2 She asked him where he had got his training.
3 She asked him how many hours a week he worked.
4 She asked him if he used hi-tech medical equipment.
5 She asked him if he had ever been in serious danger.
6 She asked him what the worst thing about his job was.

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