Fill in the correct question word with ‘ever’. 1 I can do…….I like tomorrow as I’ve got the day off. 2 …….one you buy, it costs the same amount of money.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the correct question word with ‘ever’.
1 I can do…….I like tomorrow as I’ve got the day off.
2 …….one you buy, it costs the same amount of money.
3 Tony can have fun…….he is.
4 …….wins the competition will get a trip for two to Disneyland.
5 You can come and stay with us…….you like.

Ответ от эксперта

1 whatever (все, что)
2 whichever (какой бы ни)
3 wherever (где бы ни)
4 whoever (кто бы ни)
5 whenever (когда бы ни)

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