Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionaries. 1 The boat got caught at sea in a furious/violent storm. 2 Strong/Heavy winds are forecast for tomorrow.

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionaries.
1 The boat got caught at sea in a furious/violent storm.
2 Strong/Heavy winds are forecast for tomorrow.
3 There was just a light breeze/gale blowing that day.
4 It was a hazy/misty, afternoon.
5 We got soaking wet in that heavy downpour/drizzle.
6 Sunshine and showers/blizzards are expected again today.
7 Listen to the wind howling/pouring through the trees!

Ответ от эксперта

1 violent (=жестокий, furious — разъяренный)
2 Strong (=сильный, heavy — тяжелый)
3 breeze (=легкий ветерок, gale — ураган, штормовой ветер)
4 hazy (=туманный, мглистый(о погоде), misty — туманный)
5 downpour (=ливень, проливной дождь, drizzle — мелкий моросящий дождь)
6 showers (=кратковременнные ливни, blizzards — метели, бури)
7 howling (=воющий(о ветре), pouring — льющий (о дожде))

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