Read the diagram, then fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 Did Jack…….at the concert in the end? 2 Let’s…….the air conditioning. It’s really ho

Вопрос от пользователя

Read the diagram, then fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.
1 Did Jack…….at the concert in the end?
2 Let’s…….the air conditioning. It’s really hot.
3 …….the radio, Simon. It’s too loud.
4 I can hardly hear the TV. Can you……it…..?
5 I’m sure Emily will…….his invitation.
6 …….the lights before you go.
7 I don’t like this programme. Can you…….it……to the news, please?
8 He …… the envelope and read the return address.

Ответ от эксперта

1 turn up (обнаруживать)
2 turn on (включить)
3 turn down (выключить)
4 turn… up (прибавить)
5 turn down (отклонить)
6 turn down
7 turn… over (переключить)
8 turned over (перевернуть)

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