Rewrite sentences 1-6 in the passive. In which sentences can we omit the agent? Why? 1 A newspaper journalist interviewed the cast after the opening night of the play.

Вопрос от пользователя

Rewrite sentences 1-6 in the passive. In which sentences can we omit the agent? Why?
1 A newspaper journalist interviewed the cast after the opening night of the play.
> Tf e cast were interviewed by…
2 The director asked Joy to say her lines with more feeling.
3 The Mayor will open the new theatre.
4 Lots of people visit Universal Studios every year.
5 The choreographer is teaching the singers how to dance.
6 They’ve just finished filming the new James Bond film.

Ответ от эксперта

1 The cast were interviewed (by the newspaper journalist) after the opening night of the play. — We don’t need the agent (Актер был опрошен (журналистом газеты) после премьеры спектакля. — Нам не нужен агент действия).

2 Joy was asked (by the director) to say her lines with more feeling. — We don’t need the agent (Джой попросили (режисер), чтобы она говорила свои строчки с большим чувством. — Нам не нужен агент действия).

3 The new theatre will be opened by the mayor. — We need the agent (Новый театр будет открыт мэром. — Нам нужен агент действия).

4 Universal Studios are visited by thousands of people every year. — We need the agent (Юниверсал Пикчерз посещают тысячи людей каждый год. — Нам нужен агент действия).

5 The singers are being taught how to dance by the choreographer. — We need the agent (Хореограф учит певцов танцевать. — Нам нужен агент действия).

6 The new James Bond film has just finished being filmed (by them). — We don’t need the agent. (Новый фильм о Джеймс Бонде недавно закончили снимать — Нам не нужен агент действия)

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