Choose the adjective, noun, or adverb to complete the sentences. 1 He is a … businessman. He can communicate …. (successful / successfully

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the adjective, noun, or adverb to complete the sentences.
1 He is a … businessman. He can communicate …. (successful / successfully
2 The students listened to their teacher … .They are very … students, (attentive / attentively
3 He spoke very …. He is more … than his brother, (confident / confidently
4 It was a … surprise to me. We were … lost, (complete / completely
5 It is my … decision. His offer was … rejected (отклонено , (firm / firmly
6 Her reports are always written very …. (clear / clearly
7 Her speech was … prepared, (careful / carefully
8 I enjoy … walks in the park, (day / daily
9 I remember these … people, (friend / friendly

Ответ от эксперта

1 successful, successfully (успешный, успешно)
2 attentively, attentive (внимательно, внимательный)
3 confidently, confident (уверенно, уверенный)
4 complete, completely (полная, полностью)
5 firm, firmly (твёрдое, твёрдо)
6 clearly (ясно)
7 carefully (тщательно)
8 daily (ежедневные)
9 friendly (дружелюбных)

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