Fill in: animal, burst, foster, senior, charity, postal, petrol, plate, wipers, hall. 1 Every car has its own number on the number……..

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: animal, burst, foster, senior, charity, postal, petrol, plate, wipers, hall.
1 Every car has its own number on the number……..
2 Some abandoned animals are lucky and find a …….home.
3 Windscreen…….are useful when it rains.
4 I was so upset that I…….into tears.
5 Our school holds a ……. event every year to raise money for a good cause.
6 We can fill the car with fuel at the…….station.
7 Tim spends his spare time helping out at the local…….shelter.
8 The mayor works at the town…….
9 Anyone over the age of 65 is considered to be a ……citizen.
10 Someone who works at the post office is a…….worker.

Ответ от эксперта

1 plate (номер)
2 foster (заботиться)
3 wipers (дворники)
4 burst (разрыдаться)
5 charity (благотворительность)
6 petrol (топливо)
7 animal (животное)
8 hall (здание)
9 senior (пожилой)
10 postal (почтовый)

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