Fill in the words from the box. Act out the conversation. Dad: What’s up? Why are you acting so (1) nervous? Tim: It’s because of Julia. She used to (2) criticize me

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the words from the box. Act out the conversation.
Dad: What’s up? Why are you acting so (1) nervous?
Tim: It’s because of Julia. She used to (2) criticize me all the time and enjoyed making fun of me but now she wants me to be her partner at the school dancing contest.
Dad: What’s the problem then? You don’t feel (3) confident enough, do you?
Tim: Far from that. I’ve never danced in my life. I mean I’ve never danced a waltz or anything like that. She did it on purpose I think. She wants everyone to laugh at me.
Dad: (4) Relax. I think you should accept her invitation. But suggest a (5) contrary idea — she should take part in the cycling competition along with you next month.
Tim: It would be rather challenging for her, I bet. But, Dad, I’ll never be able to waltz!
Dad: Did I ever tell you that once your dad took the first prize in the city dancing contest? I’ll teach you myself, buddy1 And in a week you’ll be the best dancer in your school!
Tim: You are a great dad! Will you come to the contest to (6) support me?
Dad: Mmm, … do they (7) provide coffee and sandwiches there?

Ответ от эксперта

1 nervous
2 criticise
3 confident
4 Relax
5 contrary
6 support
7 provide

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