Check the verbs in the Word List. Use them in their correct form to fill in the gaps. fear cover leave drown snow crack collapse lose

Вопрос от пользователя

Check the verbs in the Word List. Use them in their correct form to fill in the gaps.
fear cover leave drown snow crack collapse lose
1    Thousands of people were……homeless.
2    Hundreds of sheep……in the flood and many other animals……their habitats.
3    Many roads……and a five-storey apartment building …… like a house of cards. The people in the building are……to be dead.
4    Many people were……in and the roads were……with ice.
Which natural disaster from Ex. 6 is each sentence talking about?

Ответ от эксперта

1 left (оставленный)
2 drowned, lost (утонувший, потерянные)
3 cracked, collapsed, feared (треснутый, рухнувший, боялись)
4 snowed, covered (заснеженный, покрытый)

Названия стихийных бедствий:
1 tsunami/earthquake/flood (цунами/землетрясение/наводнение)
2 flood (наводнение)
3 earthquake (землетрясение)
4 avalanche (лавина)

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