Complete the sentences to explain why people didn’t manage to do what they wanted. Use the passive voice. 1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences to explain why people didn’t manage to do what they wanted. Use the passive voice.
1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked.
2 I wanted to buy a new video film yesterday, but the shop was closed.
3 I wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday but all tickets were sold out.
4 Cathy thought about taking a radio to the country, but it was broken.
5 I wanted to read the paper, but it was written in some unknown language.
6 Allan wanted to break the wall, but it was made of stone.
7 They wanted to drive to the village, but the road was blocked by a fallen tree.

Ответ от эксперта

1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked.
2 I wanted to buy a new video film yesterday, but the shop was closed.
3 I wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday, but all the tickets were sold out/had been sold out.
4 Cathy thought about taking a radio to the country, but it was broken.
5 I wanted to read the paper, but it was written in some unknown language.
6 Allan wanted to break the wall, but it was made of stone.
7 They wanted to drive to the village, but the road was blocked by a fallen tree.

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