Use the linkers to join the sentences. 1 Helen tried to phone the police. The phone was dead, (but)

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the linkers to join the sentences.
1 Helen tried to phone the police. The phone was dead, (but)
2 Janet walked into her house. She heard a strange noise, (as soon as)
3 Chris was swimming. He saw a shark heading fast towards him. (while)
4 Nick tried to open the door. It was locked from the inside, (however)

Ответ от эксперта

1 Helen tried to phone the police, but the phone was dead.
2 Janet heard a strange noise as soon as she walked into her house.
3 Chris saw a shark heading towards him while he was swimming.
4 Nick tried to open the door, however, it was locked from the inside.

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