Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences. A 1 teach 2 play

Вопрос от пользователя

Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences.
1 teach
2 play
3 have
4 natural
5 fail
6 individual
a to see
b images
c important lessons
d tricks on
e fun with
f shades
1 This painting is a collection of individual images put together to form a new picture.
2 Of course the circles in the picture aren’t moving! Your eyes are playing tricks on you!
3 Children’s stories teach young children important lessons about life and the world around them.
4 Patrick thinks that slipping on a banana peel and falling down is funny, but I fail to see the humour in the situation.
5 Janet is having lots of fun with her new toys; she hasn’t stopped playing all morning!
6 The artist has used natural shades of blue and green to paint this country scene.

Ответ от эксперта

1 c (teach important lessons – выучить важный урок)
2 d (playing tricks on – играет фокусы с)
3 e (having fun with — веселиться с)
4 f (natural shades – натуральные тени)
5 a (fail to see – не видеть)
6 b (individual images — индивидуальные изображения)

Пропущенные словосочетания в предложениях:
1 individual images (индивидуальные изображения)
2 playing tricks on (играет фокусы с)
3 teach… important lessons (выучить важный урок)
4 fail to see (не видеть)
5 having… fun with (веселиться с)
6 natural shades (натуральные тени)

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