64% of the electricity we need comes from 1 ……….(burn) fossil such as oil, gas and coal. These resources pollute and are

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64% of the electricity we need comes from 1 ……….(burn) fossil
such as oil, gas and coal. These resources pollute and are
2 ……….(renew , so once we have burned 3) ……….(they) all
there will be no more. This means that the world MUST find and use alternative sources of energy … FAST! This alternative energy needs to use no fuel and create no waste or 4 ……….(pollute .
Enough of the sun’s energy 5 ……….(hit) the Earth every
minute to power the world for a whole year! In sunny countries, solar cells can be put on rooftops to convert
sunlight 6) ……….(direct) into electricity. We could even
build solar power stations like Solar One in California. This uses the sun’s heat to make steam, which then drives a ‘ ……….(generate) to produce electricity.
Wind (wind power :
We can use the power of the wind by 8) (build) wind turbines. These are tall towers with a big propeller on top. The wind blows the propeller, which turns a generator in order to create electricity. If we build a number of wind turbines
together in a 9 ……….(wind) place,
we can make a ‘wind farm’ and produce quite a lot of electricity!
Water (hydroelectric power :
A dam can be used to trap a large area of water, like a reservoir or a lake. This water then flows through tunnels in the dam, turns turbines and drives generators to create electricity. Hydroelectric power stations can produce a lot of power very 10 ……….(cheap

Ответ от эксперта

1 burning (горения)
2 renewable (возобновляемы)
3 them (их)
4 pollution (загрязнение)
5 hits (поражает)
6 directly (непосредственно)
7 generator (генератор )
8 building (строя)
9 windy (ветровая)
10 cheaply (дешево)

pollute (загрязнять): make impure, dirty (сделать нечистым, грязным)
power (снабжать энергией): provide the energy for something to operate (обеспечить энергией для того, чтобы что-то работало)
solar cells (элементы солнечной батареи): devices that convert sunlight directly to electricity (устройства, которые преобразуют солнечный свет непосредственно в электричество)
convert (превращать): change the nature, purpose, or function of something (изменить характер, цель или функцию чего-то)
dam (дамба, плотина): a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea (барьер, построенный для того, чтобы сдержать поток воды или для защиты от моря)
trap (запирать, улавливать): hold or prevent from moving (держать или предотвратить перемещение)
flows (течь): moves continuously at a steady rate (непрерывно движется с постоянной скоростью)

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