Put the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms. E: Hello! Can I speak to Jonathan, please? J: Speaking. E: Hi, it’s Emma. Busy?

Вопрос от пользователя

Put the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms.
E: Hello! Can I speak to Jonathan, please?
J: Speaking.
E: Hi, it’s Emma. Busy?
J: A bit. I’m explaining to my grandma how to write e-mails. She_(1) a computer a couple of days ago and asked me to help her understand how it operates. We _(2) the software and at the moment my grandma_(3) the internet.
E: Wow! How’s she feeling about it?
J: Absolutely delighted! She’s amazed how much information the internet has to offer.
E: _(4) a user’s name for her mailbox?
J: Not yet. We need to choose the search engine first. I never _(5) that my grandma is so choosy about this stuff — she wants to know the advantages of all existing search engines and wants to compare them! She calls it an informed choice.
E: I won’t be surprised if your grandma__(6) a very advanced user very soon.
J: Neither will I! She’s learning surprisingly quickly. Actually, her main problem is that she cannot type fast. She _(7) any practice in typing. But I’m sure she_(8) her typing skills soon.
E: Slow typing is absolutely normal for starters. And why does she want to get computer skills? She doesn’t need it for her work, does she?
J: No, she_(9) a year ago. And that’s why now she has more time than she used to. So, she wants to give it to self-development and communication. She travels a lot now and e-mailing helps her keep in touch with people she meets. She says that communication is a very valuable thing. And she _(10) an online language course.
E: Good luck to you both! I’d like to meet your grandma one day.
J: Any time. But wait till we_(11) with her e-mail. She hates_(12).

Ответ от эксперта

1 bought
2 have just installed
3 is browsing
4 Has she chosen
5 thought
6 becomes
7 has never had
8 ‘ll improve
9 retired
10 is also considering
11 sort everything out
12 being distracted

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