Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Centuries ago people dreamed about travelling through space, and science fiction writers (1) … that people would fly to the Moon or to Mars just

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Fill in the gaps with the correct words.
Centuries ago people dreamed about travelling through space, and science fiction writers (1) … that people would fly to the Moon or to Mars just for a weekend. It    still seems (2 ) … to most of us, but the era of space tourism has already started. A rocket “Soyuz” with the first space tourist onboard (3) … in 2001. Dennis Tito, a sixty-year-old American businessman, stayed on the International (4 ) … returned to the Earth.
Since that time other people have had “a space holiday” and space travel seems to have become a new
(5 ) … industry. Space tourism companies plan to construct orbital hotels for short-term tourists and are thinking about arranging space colonies where people can live for years. The colonies can be arranged either on space stations or on other planets. However, scientists haven’t (6) … yet whether there is a planet where conditions would resemble the conditions on the Earth.

Ответ от эксперта

1 b) predicted
2 d) unbelievable
3 а) was launched
4 d) safely
5 b) developing
6 а) found out

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