Read the rules of the game and play it. Board game Play in groups of 3-4. The leader of each group has the keys and manages the game. He / She says:

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Read the rules of the game and play it.
Board game
Play in groups of 3-4. The leader of each group has the keys and manages the game. He / She says:
•    who should take a go;
•    if the answer is right or wrong;
•    if the time limit is exceeded.
How to play: Take turns to throw the dice. Move your counter clockwise according to the number of the points. If you stop in the box with a figure, you need to find the definition according to its number and read it aloud. Then you have 10 seconds to guess the word. If your guess is right (the leader says «yes»), you get one point. If your guess is wrong (the leader says «no») or if you run out of time, you don’t get a point. When you either get six points or happen to get on the box with the big arrow, you can enter the inner circle. When you get four points, you can enter the smallest circle. And two points in the smallest circle bring you to the centre. The person who reaches it is the winner.
NB: If the word from your box has already been pronounced by the other players, you have to repeat it again to get a point.
1    the science which studies ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools, etc
2    a society that is well developed, not a primitive one
3    gradual change and development of plants and animals over generations
4    a new or improved device created by scientists or researchers
5    looking for the truth about a crime; a careful examination of some scientific problem
6    machines or devices used for cooking or for cleaning the house
7    a difficult and ambitious task
8    a process in which something happens more and more quickly
9    an object such as a tool, weapon, coin, etc that dates back to the old past and is historically valuable
10    long period of very dry weather that affects the vegetation
11    natural event that causes lots of destruction and can be dangerous for people and animals
12    when something stops working or stops existing because it’s completely and instantly destroyed
13    group of animals, birds, insects, or plants whose members have similar features because they’ve evolved from one and the same prehistoric parent
14    ten years
15    useful machine or tool designed for a particular job
16    sending energy into the atmosphere when burning fuel

Ответ от эксперта

1 archeology
2 civilisation
3 evolution
4 invention
5 investigation
6 appliances
7 challenge
8 acceleration
9 artefact
10 draught
11 disaster
12 collapse
13 spccies
14 decade
15 device
16 emission

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