A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa What is it like? For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer a or b. You will hear the talk twice.

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A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa  
What is it like? For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer a or b. You will hear the talk twice.
1  Kwanzaa is …
a an African-American holiday           b a British holiday
2  The colours of Kwanzaa are …
a red, blue, black           b red, green, black
3  People celebrate Kwanzaa for … a 7 days          b 3 days
4  The rules of Kwanzaa are about … a friendship          b family safety
5  Parents give presents to their children on a 31st December            b 1st January

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1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 A

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