Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to answer the questions. Explain the words in bold. 1 Jasmine left home because

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Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to answer the questions. Explain the words in bold.
1 Jasmine left home because
A it was bad.
B her parents died.
C she wanted to be independent.
D she wanted to live with her friends.
2 She moved to London because she thought
A her friends didn’t want her any more.
B she would make new friends there.
C she would get a job there.
D life would be easier there.
3 She spent the first few nights
A on the street.
B in a B&B.
C on a park bench.
D at a fixed address.
4 The buildings she occasionally stays in
A have plenty of room for the homeless.
B are not used any more.
C can be colder than the streets.
D are used by others during the day.
5 Jasmine thinks the worst thing about being homeless is
A having nothing to do.
B the noise from the traffic.
C asking for money from strangers.
D the cold weather.
6 More than anything, Jasmine wants
A a job.
B her own home.
C her self-confidence back.
D to be taken seriously.
Every single night of the year, around 1,200 people sleep rough on hard benches and in grubby doorways on the streets of various English cities. Jasmine, twenty-two, is one of them. At first, huddled in a door entrance asking passers-by for money, she is reluctant to open up, but then she begins to talk. This is her story..

Ответ от эксперта

1 С
2 D
3 B
4 B
5 D
6 B

foster: official care by the government (выхаживать: официальный уход от правительства)
couches: along seat for two or three people (диваны: продольные сиденья для двух или трех человек)
shivering with cold: to be so cold that it causes the person to shake (дрожать от холода: замерзнуть так сильно, что холод заставляет человека дрожать)
odd night: occasional night (случайная ночь: ночь где придется)
cramped: not enough space for the occupants (тесно: не хватает места для проживающего)
drug addicts: people who is dependant on an illegal drug (наркоманы: люди, которые зависят от незаконных препаратов)
filthy: very dirty (грязный: очень грязный)
choke: unable to breath (удушение: не в состоянии дышать)
make ends meet: to just cover all your essential living expenses (свести концы с концами: только покрыть все ваши существенные расходы на жизнь)
toss: throw (бросить: бросить)
posh: expensive (шикарный: дорогой)
dignity: a person’s sense of importance and value (достоинство: человеческое чувство важности и значимости)
vicious circle: a problem or difficult situation that creates new problems which cause the original problem again (Порочный круг: проблема или сложная ситуация, которая создает новые проблемы, которые вызывают еще раз исходную задачу)
self-esteem: how a person feels about themselves (самооценка: то, что человек думает о себе)

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