Read the text again and choose the right ending to the following sentences. 1 The text says that young people in Britain are as resourceful as anyone because they: • surprise and puzzle the older generation.

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Read the text again and choose the right ending to the following sentences.
1 The text says that young people in Britain are as resourceful as anyone because they:
• surprise and puzzle the older generation.
• are creative about accessory, clothes and hairstyles.
• are concerned about many issues.
2 The text says that there are no rules for clothes and fashion because young people:
• are concerned about unemployment and the problems of the Third World.
• wear clothes that have not been worn for many years.
• easily change their style, their music and their fashions.

Ответ от эксперта

…are creative about accessory, clothes and hairstyles.
…easily change their style, their music and their fashions.
1….с творческим подходом об аксессуарах, одежде и прическах.
2….легко изменить их стиль, музыку и моду.

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