Чтобы мальчики на острове не скучали, Венди рассказывает им сказки. 1) Как называется сказка, которую слушают дети? — Who lives in this house? — Snow White and

Вопрос от пользователя

Чтобы мальчики на острове не скучали, Венди рассказывает им сказки. 1) Как называется сказка, которую слушают дети? — Who lives in this house? — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. They live in this very nice house. — Do they like living together? — Yes. they … . — … Snow White clean the house? — Yes. she does. — Does Snow White cook? — Yes, she … . — … the Seven Dwarfs help her? — No. they don’t. They go to work. — … she like the Seven Dwarfs? — Yes. she …. They are very nice and merry.

Ответ от эксперта

— Who lives in this house?
—    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. They live in this very nice house.
—    Do they like living together?
—    Yes, they do.
—    Does Snow White clean the house?
—    Yes, she does.
—    Does Snow White cook?
— Yes, she does.
—    Do the Seven Dwarfs help her?
—    No, they don’t. They go to work.
—    Does she like the Seven Dwarfs?
—    Yes, she does. They are very nice and merry.

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