Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Some unpopular Normans were driven out, including Archbishop

Вопрос посетителя

Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «I have had many important interviews in my public life, and this was certainly the most important»
(*ответ*) предлог
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «I then went back to the Admiralty, where, as may well be imagined, much awaited me»
(*ответ*) существительное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «In about 1064 Harold of Wessex, when visiting Normandy, swore to support William’s claim»
(*ответ*) союз
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Kingsley Wood had told him that, on the contrary, the new crisis made it all the more necessary to have a National Government, which alone could confront it, and he added that Mr Chamberlain had accepted this view»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Larger questions of tenure and organization are probably insoluble in the absence of documentary evidence, for it is dangerous to draw analogies from classical sources since conditions in Celtic Britain were very different from those of the Mediterranean world»
(*ответ*) наречие
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Much remains to be learned from full excavation of their subsidiary work buildings»
(*ответ*) глагол
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «On this the momentous conversation came to an end, and we reverted to our ordinary easy and familiar manners of men who had worked for years together and whose lives in and out of office had been spent in all the friendliness of British politics.»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Only Norman versions of the incident survive and the true circumstances cannot be ascertained, but William used Harold’s broken oath to help secure papal support later»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Scholarship was not in decline, and manuscripts were produced in great number»
(*ответ*) существительное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Some unpopular Normans were driven out, including Archbishop Robert, whose archbishopric was given to Stigand; this act supplied one excuse for the papal support of William’s cause»
(*ответ*) прилагательное

Ответ эксперта

Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «I have had many important interviews in my public life, and this was certainly the most important»
(*ответ*) предлог
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «I then went back to the Admiralty, where, as may well be imagined, much awaited me»
(*ответ*) существительное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «In about 1064 Harold of Wessex, when visiting Normandy, swore to support William’s claim»
(*ответ*) союз
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Kingsley Wood had told him that, on the contrary, the new crisis made it all the more necessary to have a National Government, which alone could confront it, and he added that Mr Chamberlain had accepted this view»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Larger questions of tenure and organization are probably insoluble in the absence of documentary evidence, for it is dangerous to draw analogies from classical sources since conditions in Celtic Britain were very different from those of the Mediterranean world»
(*ответ*) наречие
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Much remains to be learned from full excavation of their subsidiary work buildings»
(*ответ*) глагол
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «On this the momentous conversation came to an end, and we reverted to our ordinary easy and familiar manners of men who had worked for years together and whose lives in and out of office had been spent in all the friendliness of British politics.»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Only Norman versions of the incident survive and the true circumstances cannot be ascertained, but William used Harold’s broken oath to help secure papal support later»
(*ответ*) прилагательное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Scholarship was not in decline, and manuscripts were produced in great number»
(*ответ*) существительное
Укажите частеречную принадлежность выделенного слова: «Some unpopular Normans were driven out, including Archbishop Robert, whose archbishopric was given to Stigand; this act supplied one excuse for the papal support of William’s cause»
(*ответ*) прилагательное

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