Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения: look up to < to admire and respect someone

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Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  pull sbdy’s leg < to try to make somebody believe something that isn't true, as a joke
  put your foot in it < to say something without thinking carefully, which embarrasses or upsets another person
  turn a blind eye to sth < to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  turn your nose up at sth < to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
  (be) up to your neck in sth < to be very busy doing something
  win hands down < to beat other people very easily
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  hair-raising (experience / moment etc.) < frightening in a way that is exciting
  keep a straight face < to look serious even when you want to smile or laugh
  let things get on top of you < to allow work or emotional problems to make you feel unhappy and unable to cope
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  give something a go < to try to do something even though you think it will probably not work
  go out of your way to do sth < to do something that you do not have to do and that involves making a special effort
  (have) green fingers < to be good at making plants grow
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  (be) all fingers and thumbs < to use your hands in an awkward or careless way so that you drop or break things
  (have) butterflies in your stomach < to feel very nervous before doing something
  get your head round < to understand something complicated or difficult
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  New Year’s Day < January 1
  Martin Luther King’s birthday < third Monday in January
  Washington’s Birthday, sometimes called “President’s Day” < third Monday in February
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Memorial Day < last Monday in May
  Independence Day < July 4
  Labor Day < first Monday in September
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Columbus Day < second Monday in October
  Veteran’s Day < November 11
  Thanksgiving Day < fourth Thursday in November
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Christmas Day < December 25
  Independence Day < July 4
  Labor Day < first Monday in September
Соотнесите слово и его значение:
  clogging < a dance technique, that utilizes wooden shoes, thus combining sound with dance.
  bungee jumping < a recently conceived sport that involves jumping from a hot air balloon, bridge, helicopter, etc., attached to only a long rubber cord (bungee cord) that elongates to allow the jumper to experience "free fall" without (hopefully) crashing into the ground.
  square dancing < a country dance style adopted in the American Mid-West that combines various dance partners strolling in square-like formations. A community dance technique where partners are exchanged in rapid progression.
Соотнесите слово и его значение:
  a political entity < any formal organization, such as union, party, lobby, committee, etc. who's primary objective is to engage in political activities.
  upland game birds < generally associated with hunting of game birds such as grouse, partridge, woodcock, pheasant, etc.
  clogging < a dance technique, that utilizes wooden shoes, thus combining sound with dance.
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  come over < to approach the place where someone is
  cover up < to put something over the top of something else in order to hide or protect it
  get through < 1 to survive a difficult experience or period of time: Getting through the next few months after the divorce wasn't easy.
2 (+ to sbdy) to succeed in reaching someone by telephone
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  drink to < to wish someone success, good health etc. before having an alcoholic drink
  cover up < to put something over the top of something else in order to hide or protect it
  point out < to tell someone something that they did not know before or had not thought about
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  drink to < to wish someone success, good health etc. before having an alcoholic drink
  get through < 1 to survive a difficult experience or period of time: Getting through the next few months after the divorce wasn't easy.
2 (+ to sbdy) to succeed in reaching someone by telephone
  point out < to tell someone something that they did not know before or had not thought about
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  look up to < to admire and respect someone
  stand out against < to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
  dress up < to wear clothes that are more unusual or formal than the ones you usually wear, often for a special occasion

Ответ эксперта

Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  pull sbdy’s leg < to try to make somebody believe something that isn't true, as a joke
  put your foot in it < to say something without thinking carefully, which embarrasses or upsets another person
  turn a blind eye to sth < to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  turn your nose up at sth < to refuse something because you do not believe it is good enough for you
  (be) up to your neck in sth < to be very busy doing something
  win hands down < to beat other people very easily
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  hair-raising (experience / moment etc.) < frightening in a way that is exciting
  keep a straight face < to look serious even when you want to smile or laugh
  let things get on top of you < to allow work or emotional problems to make you feel unhappy and unable to cope
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  give something a go < to try to do something even though you think it will probably not work
  go out of your way to do sth < to do something that you do not have to do and that involves making a special effort
  (have) green fingers < to be good at making plants grow
Соотнесите идиомы и их значения:
  (be) all fingers and thumbs < to use your hands in an awkward or careless way so that you drop or break things
  (have) butterflies in your stomach < to feel very nervous before doing something
  get your head round < to understand something complicated or difficult
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  New Year’s Day < January 1
  Martin Luther King’s birthday < third Monday in January
  Washington’s Birthday, sometimes called “President’s Day” < third Monday in February
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Memorial Day < last Monday in May
  Independence Day < July 4
  Labor Day < first Monday in September
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Columbus Day < second Monday in October
  Veteran’s Day < November 11
  Thanksgiving Day < fourth Thursday in November
Соотнесите праздники и время их праднования:
  Christmas Day < December 25
  Independence Day < July 4
  Labor Day < first Monday in September
Соотнесите слово и его значение:
  clogging < a dance technique, that utilizes wooden shoes, thus combining sound with dance.
  bungee jumping < a recently conceived sport that involves jumping from a hot air balloon, bridge, helicopter, etc., attached to only a long rubber cord (bungee cord) that elongates to allow the jumper to experience "free fall" without (hopefully) crashing into the ground.
  square dancing < a country dance style adopted in the American Mid-West that combines various dance partners strolling in square-like formations. A community dance technique where partners are exchanged in rapid progression.
Соотнесите слово и его значение:
  a political entity < any formal organization, such as union, party, lobby, committee, etc. who's primary objective is to engage in political activities.
  upland game birds < generally associated with hunting of game birds such as grouse, partridge, woodcock, pheasant, etc.
  clogging < a dance technique, that utilizes wooden shoes, thus combining sound with dance.
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  come over < to approach the place where someone is
  cover up < to put something over the top of something else in order to hide or protect it
  get through < 1 to survive a difficult experience or period of time: Getting through the next few months after the divorce wasn't easy.
2 (+ to sbdy) to succeed in reaching someone by telephone
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  drink to < to wish someone success, good health etc. before having an alcoholic drink
  cover up < to put something over the top of something else in order to hide or protect it
  point out < to tell someone something that they did not know before or had not thought about
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  drink to < to wish someone success, good health etc. before having an alcoholic drink
  get through < 1 to survive a difficult experience or period of time: Getting through the next few months after the divorce wasn't easy.
2 (+ to sbdy) to succeed in reaching someone by telephone
  point out < to tell someone something that they did not know before or had not thought about
Соотнесите фразовые глаголы и их значения:
  look up to < to admire and respect someone
  stand out against < to be very easy to see or notice by looking or sounding very different from other things or people
  dress up < to wear clothes that are more unusual or formal than the ones you usually wear, often for a special occasion

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