Расспросите Иззи, талисманом каких Олимпийских игр является Олли, Сид и Милли.

Вопрос от пользователя

Расспросите Иззи, талисманом каких Олимпийских игр является Олли, Сид и Милли.

Ответ от эксперта

— Are Olly, Syd and Millie from Europe? — No, they aren’t.
— Are Olly, Syd and Millie from America? — No, they aren’t.
— Are Olly, Syd and Millie from Asia? — No, they aren’t.
— Are Olly, Syd and Millie from Africa? — No, they aren’t.
— Are Olly, Syd and Millie from Australia? — Yes, they are.

— Are they good at football? — Yes, they are.
— Are they good at swimming? — Yes, they are.
— Are they good at skiing? — No, they aren’t.
— Are they good at skating? — No, they aren’t.
— Are they good at tennis? — Yes, they are.

— Are you good at winter sports? — No, they aren’t.
— Are you good at summer sports? — Yes, they are.

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